Sumanta Baruah draws cartoons on topics of science, technology and environment. A self-taught cartoonist, with a background in computer science, Sumanta tries to simplify science for the masses. In his day job, a Senior Manager at Samsung R&D India – Bangalore, apart from his technical responsibilities, he creates visual stories to simplify complex technology concepts for developers and the general public.
... Sample one of Sumanta's cartoons: The legendary ‘scientific' apple falls on the ground and the present-day Isaac Newton's counterpart is too enamoured by his electronic gadgetry to even pay heed to this ‘Eureka' moment! While ones like this hint how the present scientific community takes for granted path-breaking discoveries of the past, there are others which are educative, making direct references to scientific laws. ... - 'The Hindu'
'Smile with Science' : A Cartoon Exhibition

Distinguished scientists Prof. U. R. Rao, former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization and Prof. P. Balaram, former director of the Indian Institute of Science enjoying Sumanta Baruah’s cartoons at his exhibition Smile with Science (Indian Cartoon Gallery, May-June 2010)